19 Jun The Chiang Mai project is going well.
The teleconference was held with the Chiang Mai Ministry of Health and 25 public hospitals in Chiang Mai district as an interim opinion exchange for the JICA Partnership Program, which we have been working on since 2018.
From the Japanese side, Kagawa University, the non-profit organization e-HCIK, and Melody International participated in the teleconference, confirming the results of the project to improve maternal and child health using mobile fetal monitor “iCTG”.
Originally, the event was scheduled to take place all together in Chiang Mai, but it was held remotely to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection.
We have found that they are being utilized in more hospital-to-hospital transport than we had envisioned.
We are very happy to have been involved in this business since its inception, knowing that they were able to save the lives of so many mothers and babies by transporting them at an early stage.
※e-HCIK・・・e-Health Care Innovation in Kagawa